For those of you who have asked for my running stats in an excel sheet, I will update the excel link on my progress page after every run. The link to the excel file is right at the top. Just click on the icon to get my current running stats ... mostly in kilometers with some mile conversions.
Ran an EZ 5k on Saturday morning. Nothing to write home about. We were rushing to get to an early mass and I woke up a lot earlier to not be late for my Saturday Retreat Schedule. Tired, wet, hungry ... and I spent most of Saturday, trying to find a sofa (or couple of chairs) to get a nap. My wife curled up in one of the conference rooms and then was chipper at the next conference (but with a pleat on her cheek!).
The path to heaven is narrow - do not inflate your importance nor depress your worth. It is difficult, but possible. Running needs to be in balance with the other parts of your life so that you run with desire and delight: run in gratefulness for the gift of life and health.
Sounds like a rewarding retreat!
I like the idea of bringing Sabbath back into your life. We were talking about shops and everything being closed on Sundays when I was a child just the other day.
Thanks for the reward for my blog. I'll get to doing what is needed soon. Run safe!
Wow, president of a theology school!? Very cool
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